Personal details and the date of the CV
- Parppei (Miraftabi, Piiparinen)
- Kati Mari Johanna
- ORCID 0000-0002-4322-9046
- 15 August 2023
- 12 October 2010, Doctor of Philosophy, History, Department of Historical and Geographical Studies, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland. (University of Eastern Finland, Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies, Joensuu campus, P.O. Box 111, FI80101, Finland)
- 2 February 2009, Licentiate of Philosophy, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland
- 16 October 2002, Master of Philosophy, University of Joensuu, Finland
- Title of Docent, 21 January 2013, Russian history, University of Eastern Finland
Other education and expertise
- 3 April 2020, University pedagogy studies, 10 credits, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu
- 31 December 2016, Graphic communication studies, 15 credits, Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Kuopio
- 15 December 1999, four months as an ERASMUS exchange student (history of ideas), University of Northumbria (UK)
- 31 May 1998, one month of Russian language practice, University of Moscow (Russia)
- 15 December 1994, three months of Russian language studies, Pedagogical Institute of Petrozavodsk (Russia)
Language skills (own assessment)
- Finnish native
- English understanding, speaking and writing C2
- Russian understanding C1, speaking and writing B2
- Swedish understanding C1, speaking and writing B1
- German understanding B2, speaking and writing A1
- Polish understanding B1, speaking and writing A1
- Karelian understanding B2, speaking and writing A1
- Church Slavonic understanding C1
- Latin understanding B2
Current employment
- 1 September 2021- University Lecturer (history) Department of Historical and Geographical Studies, University of Eastern Finland.
Previous work experience
- 1 September 2016-31 August 2021. Academy Research Fellow University of Eastern Finland. Project “Images and Attributes of Enemies in Pre-Revolutionary Russia”.
- 9-12/2017 Visiting Scholar University of Birmingham, Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies.
- 9/2012-8/2015 Postdoctoral Researcher University of Eastern Finland/Academy of Finland. Project ”Sabres and Swords. Representations of Medieval Battles in Russian National Historiography”.
- 9/2012-5/2013 Visiting Fellow University of Cambridge. (Life Member) in Clare Hall. Visiting Scholar in the Department of Slavonic Studies.
- 3/2010-4/2011 Research assistant (part time) Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Assisting Professor Anneli Sarhimaa in the project ELDIA (European Language Diversity for All), case “Karelians in Finland”.
- 5/2010-4/2011 Project researcher University of Eastern Finland, Department of Historical and Geographical Studies. Project “People divided by a border. The development of the national identity, religion and language of Karelians from the 19th century to the present”, funded by Academy of Finland.
- 1/2006-12/2009 Researcher trainee University of Eastern Finland, Karelian Institute. Multidisciplinary “Russia in Europe Cross Border Post Graduate School”, funded by Ministry of Education of Finland.
- 6/2000-9/2005, 5-8/2012, 9/2013 News editor and photographer Local newspapers (Kotiseutu-Uutiset, Lempäälän-Vesilahden Sanomat) on freelance base.
Research output
Teaching merits
Undergraduate courses and seminars at the Department of Geographical and Historical Studies, University of Eastern Finland
- Conducting the Master’s Thesis seminar in history, including supervising theses, 2021-
- Conducting the Bachelor’s Thesis seminar in history, including supervising theses, 2018-2021
- Planning and teaching the lecture and exercise course Historiallinen kuvatutkimus teoriassa ja käytännössä (Historical image studies in theory and practice), 5 credits, 2019-
- Planning and teaching (principal teacher) the lecture and exercise course Historian esitykset (Representations of history), 2 credits, 2021-
- Planning and teaching (principal teacher) the lecture and exercise course Historian tutkimusprosessi ja tiedonhankinta (Research process and data acquisition in the field of history), 5 credits
- Teaching the course History of Historiography and Theory of History, 5 credits, 2021-
- Teaching the course History of Russia under the Romanovs, 5 credits, 2021-
- Planning and teaching (principal teacher) the course Työelämän viestintä (Media communications), 5 credits, 2017-
- Co-lecturer on the lecture and exercise course History as a topical field (Historia ajankohtaisena tieteenä), 2014-2021
- Co-lecturer on the lecture and exercise course Qualitative methods in historical research (Laadulliset menetelmät historiatieteessä), 2014-
- Distance teacher (Open University), courses Europe in the 17th Century and Antiquity and Middle Ages, 9/2003-6/2011.
Number of supervised doctoral theses (finished/ongoing) 5
Teaching in other institutions
- Planning and co-conducting a workshop for PhD students on writing a monograph, 5.5.2023, Doctoral Programme in Social and Cultural Encounters (UEF)
- Individual lectures on methodology, 4/2008-2020 Aleksanteri Institute, Higher School of Economics (St Petersburg)
- Theme expert (history) in “Cross-Border Citizen Scientists”-project, Lappeenranta University of Technology, South Karelian Institute, 2012.
- Numerous lectures intended for non-academic audience on topics related to my research, 2010-
Awards and honours
- “Good teacher” award 2022, awarded by Varnitsa, the association for history students at the University of Eastern Finland.
- Young researcher award 2012, University of Eastern Finland. Presented in recognition of an outstanding doctoral dissertation.
Other key academic merits
- Acting as the examiner of Hannu Heikkilä’s doctoral dissertation (Evakkous ja elämäntapojen muutokset rajakarjalais-ortodoksisten sisarusten kirjeenvaihdoissa [1939– 1979]), University of Jyväskylä, December
- Acting as the opponent of Marjatta Aittola’s doctoral dissertation (Karjalan kuva eurooppalaisessa kirjallisuudessa 1700-1812), University of Oulu, 15 June
- Peer reviewer of funding applications for Kone Foundation, annual grant call
- Life member of Clare Hall, University of Cambridge since 2013.
- Keynote lecture, International Historical Forum (St Petersburg State University, Russia), 1 November
- Keynote lecture, Medievalism between East and West (University of Turku, Finland), 27 September
- Keynote lecture, Russia Seminar (National Defence University of Finland), 25 April 2019.
- Member of Finnish Historical Society – Suomen Historiallinen Seura since 2013 (in the board from 2023).
- Board member of The Finnish Association for Russian and East European Studies FAREES 2023-
- Deputy member of the Faculty Council (Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies, UEF), 2021-
- Deputy member of the steering group of the Doctoral Programme in Social and Cultural Encounters (UEF), 2022-2025.
- Referee for the publishing house Gaudeamus, and for journals Faravid, Historiallinen aikakauskirja, Temenos, Ortodoksia, Kalevalaseuran vuosikirja, and for the publication series of Historical Society of North Karelia.
- Visiting editor-in-chief, Ennen ja nyt: Historian tietosanomat, theme ”History politics in Russia”, the volume will be published in autumn 2023.